18 May, 2023
Perth, Western Australia

Hosted by George Lee Sye and the 9 Skills Factory in ..

Welcome to a Very Special Business Breakfast!
Firstly, we would love for you to join us for a get together and networking opportunity with an incredible group of motivated and experienced management level business improvement professionals.
Secondly, we want to share some important thoughts and learnings about advances in Business Improvement Capability Development that have emerged since the beginning of the COVID pandemic.
The pandemic forced some companies to try things they would otherwise be hesitant to try in developing BI capability.  For a few companies it was a game changer where people came to realise that old beliefs they held about training and capability development were based on thinking and technology that is no longer relevant.
As you know already, in today's fast-paced and competitive business landscape, staying ahead of the curve is essential. This Business Breakfast will provide you with insights into how businesses can enhance their capabilities and drive success in a rapidly evolving environment.
Some of the topics George will discuss are:
  • Focusing on Execution, Not Training
  • Open Loop versus Closed Loop Capability Development
  • Moving Accountability from BI Manager to the Student
  • Micro Training and How It Impacts Momentum
  • Involvement of Project Sponsors in More Than Just the Project
  • Short Interval Controls and Feedback Loops
Don't miss this opportunity to connect with other business professionals, gain valuable insights, and stay abreast with opportunities presented by modern technology.
Perth, WA - 18th of May, 2023
$50 Per Person (AUD / Plus GST)
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