For Every Manager, Change Leader, Parent, Influencer!
Organisational Change Mastery is for high performers intent on developing globally relevant skills for leading change in any organisation or business scenario.

This Influence and Persuasion Skills Course is one core element of our Global Leadership Skills Program, and Master Black Belt Certification Program.
  • Focus on Influence and Persuasion Skills
  • Presenting One-to-one or One-to-many
  • Getting People to Say YES
  • Conditioning Permanent Behaviour Change
  • Foundation Skills for Part 2
  • Focus on Planning and Leading Change
  • 8 Step Organisational Change Roadmap
  • Soft Skill Tools for Influencing Motivation
  • Technical Tools for Organisation Alignment
  • Applicable to Any Level of Change - Click for Info
Influence and Persuasion Skills
WEEK 1: Days 1 to 5
  • Visual Awareness and Perception Control
  • The Mind and Emotions
  • Human Neurology and Conditioning
  • Permanent Behaviour Change
  • Leadership and Selling
  • Module 1 Assessment
WEEK 2: Days 6 to 10
  • Communication and Meaning
  • Perception and Reality
  • The Influencer's Model of Communications
  • Rapport Building As The Basis for Influence
  • Other Ways to Build Rapport
  • Communication Assignment (MBB Only)
WEEK 3: Days 11 to 15
  • Preferred Modalities and Personal Biases
  • Practical Ways to Connect With Modality Preferences
  • Understanding the Cues And Adjusting Your Presentation
  • Eliciting Modality Preferences of Others
  • Pitching Your Ideas and Making the Mental Connection
  • IRS and Storytelling Assignments (MBB Only)
WEEK 4: Days 16 to 20
  • How Meta-Programs Define Your Filters on the World
  • The Most Common Filters You Must Get Through
  • Practical Ways to Match Audience Filters
  • Refining The WHY of Your Presentation
  • Refining The WHAT and HOW of Your Presentation
  • Pitching Assignment (MBB Only)
WEEK 5: Days 21 to 25
  • Being a Cause of Permanent Behaviour Change
  • Practical Psychology for Behaviour Conditioning
  • Principles For Conditioning Permanent Change
  • Module 2 Assessment
  • Behaviour Change Assignment (MBB Only)
WEEK 6: Days 26 to 30
  • Moments of Persuasive Opportunity
  • Practical Use of The Frame of Reciprocation
  • Practical Use of Contrast, Congruence and Social Proof
  • Module 3 Assessment
  • The Ethics of Influence
  • Persuasion Assignment (MBB Only)
Access Option 1
Influence & Persuasion Skills Course
Downloadable Course Workbook (PDF)
3 Course Modules
38 Course Videos
Course Completion Certificate
24 Hour Unlimited Access
Personal Training Dashboard
Influence & Persuasion Skills Course
8-Step Organisational Change Roadmap Course
Downloadable PDF Workbooks for Each Course
A Total of 69 Course Videos
Training Completion Certificates for both Courses
24 Hour Unlimited Access
Personal Training Dashboard
Access Option 2
Access This Course as part of your candidacy for our highest level qualifications - Master of Global Leadership Skills / LSS Master Black Belt 
"The thing that most impressed me (as well as giving me the opportunity to analyse myself) was the way that you emphasised to the group the need to influence others. I have, in the past, never really given this a lot of thought but the few days with you and since then have become quite a resource I now rely upon. Things such as rapport, body language etc are things I am now consistently looking for. Not only am I aware of this when I am trying to influence, but also when others are trying to influence me, Additionally, I am finding this now extends into my private and social life (dealing with family and friends) or people that I do not know at all (just looking at their body language and looking for rapport when meeting someone for the first time)."

Your Trainer and Coach
From a growing inquisitiveness about how to connect effectively with people in order to cause a change in behaviour back in the late 1980s, George started a journey of study and research in human thinking and emotions and how these relate to behaviour.
Some 20 years later he realised that there was no single source for the knowledge he had assembled and skills he had developed so he created and launched his first Influence and Persuasion Skills course.  Tens of thousands of students later, the training developed into what you see today, and it has proven to be one of the most important trainings influencers and change leaders can attend.
Your access to this program is protected by a 14 day 100% money back guarantee.

+ If you are not happy for any reason
+ If you simply don’t feel this is for you

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Frequently Asked Questions

Progress assessments are in online quiz form and presented at the end of each module.

They are set up with an 80 percent pass rate and you receive immediate feedback for each assessment.

If you do not meet the 80 percent requirement, you can reset the assessment and continue to do it until you meet the pass rate.
Click Your Chosen Option Right Now To Secure Your Spot
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