Change Drives Lean Six Sigma Coaching Strategy

20 Apr 2020
Business Improvement Coaching Programs Will Prove To Be More Effective In The Long Run
As we all know - change is a constant.

Not always pleasant, but a constant nonetheless.

The good news is this current bout of change in response to the corona virus pandemic is a good thing.

Because it's forcing organisations to adapt and change .. and evolve .. quickly.

Why's that good news?

Well historically our lean six sigma and change leadership classroom training has been at the leading edge and incredibly satisfying to deliver.

Though frustration does creep in when I see a lack of application when students go back to work and improvement work takes an unnecessarily long time to complete.

Truth is, in many companies the students just get caught up in day-to-day work.

In the current situation our customers are motivated to explore a way forward to stop that, and effectively drive the execution of improvement work that focuses on results in something of a predictable time frame.

We've actually been preparing for this for a long time and with the pandemic response now we can utilise the full extent of the technology that's available to us.

This is what we've done.
Part 1 - Business Improvement Practitioner / Change Leader Skills Development ..
Our Green Belt Pro (as well as the Black Belt Pro) skills development as a Coaching Program is now live.

​​It's a 26-week program that integrates a comprehensive 14-week coach guided skills development process on our 9 Skills Factory platform with 12-weeks of coach supported project application.

That means less onus on you to drive application and project execution, and more motivation and accountability transferred to the candidate who works weekly with the coach.

Details are here -
Part 2 - For Company Wide Improvement Initiatives ..
If you take more of a company wide view of the program, scroll to the bottom of the page where you'll find a button to click for more corporate information.

​​You'll be taken to the following page where a video describes how the program works in detail.

Details are here -
Part 3 - Next Level Leader Development ..
We've catered for higher level management and change leadership capability development in our Blue Circle leaders' coaching program.

This will serve those who seek the value of coach support at a leadership level, as well as anyone pursuing an MBB qualification.

For MBB candidates the process will be more formally oriented towards training, learning and assignment work.

For general coaching support, it's intended to be flexible and tailored to the needs of the individual involved.

Details are here -

For any questions that arise, I'd love to provide more clarity and information.

Drop us a line any time.

George Lee Sye
Build a CV That Sells YOU Most Effectively
Download George's CV template and guidebook here.
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