Central Dashboard for Yellow Belt Training

09/23/2022 01:05:41 +1000
Yellow Belt Content Access Centralised
All candidates participating in our 9 Skills Factory lean six sigma YELLOW BELT program will find they now have a centralised dashboard through which they can access all relevant content and resources.
When the Yellow Belt Self Paced Program dashboard is opened, it looks the same as what you see in the image below.
Participants simply click on the download links or course opening links to access content.
More Information
If you'd like to join us for this world class training program, everything you need to know about getting access can be found on the 9SF website here - www.9skillsfactory.com/14-week-lean-six-sigma-green-belt
Author: George Lee Sye
George is a leader in the field of lean six sigma training. All of his training and coaching programs are delivered and accessed via the 9 Skills Factory professional development platform.

You can find out more about George here: www.georgeleesye.com
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