Certified Lean Six Sigma Green Belt
Level 2 Business Improvement
Recipients of the 9 Skills Factory Lean Six Sigma Green Belt Qualification possess the knowledge, capability and tools to close performance gaps where they have a strong connection to a company's business plan.
They can apply the tools of lean and six sigma methods to process performance problems to develop solutions that permanently fix those problems.
They can generate enormous value for any organisation when allocated projects to work on that are value adding, are important to line managers, and are given the time and resources to complete the work in a reasonable time frame.
Level of Professional Development
Time Commitment
GB (Standard) = 64 HOURS
GB (Pro-Coaching) = 80 HOURS
Continued Professional Development (CPD) Scoring
GB (Standard) - 186 CPD Points (Allocated @ 1 per lesson, 3 per quiz)
GB (Pro-Coaching) - 215 CPD Points (Allocated @ 1 per lesson, 3 per quiz)
Attainment Criteria
TRAINING - Complete the full lean six sigma green belt training program which can be undertaken in various formats including:
(a) pro-coaching
(b) self paced, and
(c) in a classroom face-2-face environment
APPLICATION - Apply the tools and methods learnt to a value adding workplace process improvement project for which no solution is known.
Successfully pass the Green Belt exam. Provide evidence of competency across 3 parameters (lean tools, six sigma tools, and DMAIC project leadership).
ASSESSMENT - GBPro Participants
Successfully pass the Green Belt exam. Provide evidence of competency across 3 parameters (lean tools, six sigma tools, and DMAIC project leadership).
Complete twelve (12) weeks of project execution coaching with weekly assignments and coached application.
Competencies Demonstrated
Candidates holding this qualification, have successfully demonstrated the following core competencies:
  • Manage People Relationships and Facilitate Teams
  • Manage The Scope and Execution of a Solution Identification Project Using DMAIC
  • Use Lean Techniques to Reduce Waste in Business Processes
  • Analyse and Map a Value Stream
  • Develop Detailed Activity Flowcharts
  • Undertake Value Analysis of Processes in Terms of Customer Requirements
  • Apply 5S Procedures to Optimise Workplace Flow
  • Develop Quick Changeover Procedures by Applying SMED and QCO Tools
  • Develop a Pull System for Operations and Processes
  • Use Six Sigma Techniques to Analyse and Control Process Variation, and Improve Performance
  • Collect and Organise Data
  • Perform Computations
  • Use Graphical Techniques, Perform Statistical Computations
  • Apply Statistics to Operational Processes
  • Undertake Root Cause Analysis
  • Apply Cost Factors to Work Practices
  • Determine and Improve Process Capability
Training Information
For more details about the training that the qualification holder has undertaken, view the links below.
Lean Six Sigma Green Belt Certification
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